Gallery of other jokes submitted to the competition
"Cartoon physics joke"

in the category authors aged 15 and under - Original joke

Name: Relativity
Author: Patrik Repka, 12 years, Nováky

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Authors' commentary
Three hairs on the head aren’t enough; three hairs in a soup are too much.
Very complicated things can have simple explanations.

Name: Gravitation

Author: Martina Jakubíková, 14 years, Dubnica nad Váhom

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Authors' commentary
Earth’s gravitation is a force that we cannot influence. We often get such situations, as the one on the picture. The human cannot prevent this. We can only make peace with this.

Name: More hastle less speed - slowly and steadly you'll get further

Author: Lenka Homolová, 13 years, Nové Mesto nad Váhom

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Authors' commentary
The winner is the one whose average speed is higher. We count the average speed from the whole distance and the whole time. The time spent by a break, by falling etc. is counted onto the whole time. Therefore the snail and not the racer is winning.


Name: The use of solar energy

Author:  Martina Jakubíková, 14 years, Dubnica nad Váhom

- What does it mean - a pool with boiled fish?

- Capacity of my restaurant is not sufficient. And the energy of Sun is free of charge.

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Authors' commentary
Non-recoverable energy sources are more and more expensive. Mankind expect in future energetic crises, if we will not use the cheapest energy / the energy of Sun. This joke shows a businessman in the future, who uses the solar energy.

Name: The Fire

Author: Dominika Figurová, 15 years, Žilina

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Do you know what an engineer, a physicists and a mathematician will do when a fire breaks out in a hotel? 
ENGINEER will wake up, take a bucket, fill it with water, quench the fire and go back to sleep.
PHYSICISTS will wake up; calculate how much water he needs, fill the bucket with 4.3 litres of water, quench the fire and go back to sleep.
MATHEMATICIANS will wake up, come to the water tap, find out if there is a solution and go back to sleep.

Name: Not everything white is white

Author: Marta Ondrejcová, 14 years, Dubnica nad Váhom

- You have great blue T-shirt!
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Authors' commentary
Every body reflect that is a part of the light-spectrum, what colour it is. If we see a white body through blue glasses, we see it blue. Girl on the cartoon is wondering, why her boyfriend sees her T-shirt as a blue one.

Name: Oh, the Moon!

Author: Katarína Vaculčíková, 14 years, Žilina

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A student sighs before his exam: - I wish we were on the Moon!
- Why?
- Because on the moon everything is effortless.

Name: Potencial energy of elasticity

Author: Martina Moravčíková, 13 years, Dubnica nad Váhom

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Authors' commentary
Children learned about potential energy. The Mouse Scholastic listened in his hiding. Because he is interested in physics, he made some experiments afterwards. Friend Mouse Domestic, who didn’t go to school, is frightened that his friend will kill him.

Name: Energy and motion

Author: Lucia Habšudová, 13 years, Dubnica nad Váhom

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Authors' commentary
The inner energy of the body is a sum of potential and kinetic energy of all particles, which built the body. On the picture I show also the inner energy of the human body that is necessary for its existence. If the body exhausts itself, the collapse occurs.

Name: Electric carrent

Author: Magdaléna Brzá, 15 years, Žilina


-         Children, what do you do at home, when the electric current dropped out?

-         We light the candles and watch TV.

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 The students weren’t aware that the TV cannot be switched turned on while the electricity is off.

Name: Reality of the live

Autor: Anna Medvedská, 14 years, Žilina

1.      Do you know what absolute speed is?
When you run around the house and see your own heels.


2.      The worst work is in an electric power plant.
You go to work with resistance. In work you sit in stress.
And if you touch the leading, it will give you a kick.

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Name: Physicist, biologist and matematician

Author: Kristína Slučiaková, 14 years, Žilina

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A physicist, biologist and mathematician are walking on the street. They see three men entering a building. A moment later four men come out.

Physicist: It is a measurement error.

Biologist: They reproduced in one second.

Mathematician: You are both wrong. Now one man will go back into and there will be nobody in the building.

Názov: Driver force

Author: Kristína Slučiaková, 14 years, Žilina

- What is the newest and the most reliable drive force?

- Protectionism.

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Name: Electrons

Author: Mária Turzová, 15 years, Žilina

- Do you know why electric power plants are built on hills?

- Why is that?

- They rely on the electrons to zip to the valley.

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Name: The world without gravitation

Author: Ján Hoffmann, 12 years, Košice

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Authors' commentary
Many cities have traffic jam problems in the rush hour. The drivers try to think of ways to avoid this. If gravity didn’t exist, then we wouldn’t have this problem.

Name: The use of the pulley

Author: Simona Pappová, 13 years, Dubnica nad Váhom

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Authors' commentary
We expect a pulley to help us lifting heavy objects. However, pulley is not saving our work, it is only making it easier.  Neither my weight nor a pulley are enough to lift such a heavy object.