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Dve percentá z dane pre SCHOLA LUDUS


Projekt 2000+ UNESCO - filozofia

Science and Technology Education – Philosophy of Project 2000+

Federico Mayor

In a world increasingly shaped by science and technology, Scientific and Technological Literacy (STL) is a universal requirement if people are not be alienated in some degree from the society in which they live. It is vital to improve scientific and technological literacy.

We need, through educational means of all kinds, formal and non-formal, to bring about a much more thorough infusion of scientific and technological culture into society. Only in this way shall we succeed in creating the continuum, the virtuous circle encompassing the establishment of a broad educational base in science and technology, enhanced capacity to cope with change and to pursue development goals, scientifically informed decision making, and finally - completing the circle - expanding investment in human development.



Na otvorení výstavy SCHOLA LUDUS Labyrint v Paláci zázrakov v Budapešti v r. 1997 sa zúčastnil aj Federico Mayor, generálny riaditeľ UNESCO. Na snímke s Katarínou Teplanovou.

Dome umenia v Bratislave
Reinštaláciu výstavy SCHOLA LUDUS Labyrint spolu s výstavou SCHOLA LUDUS Vedecká hračka, pieskovými obrazmi Jána Kodoňa a výtvarným monumentom zloženým z 12 obrazov Františka Guldana, vytvorenými pre túto príležitosť, otvárali v Dome umenia v Bratislave aj Peter Mederly, dekan vtedy ešte Matematicko-fyzikálnej fakulty UK, aj zástupca UNESCO.
Dome umenia v Bratislave
